At Trustd Legal Services we specialise in Wills and Probate. You therefore know that for these two areas of law you are receiving the highest standards of work and service.
Having reviewed thousands of Wills as part of our Probate services we are very familiar with the types of Wills that people have and it has helped us to identify what type of Will is most helpful to not only the person having it written but also the person(s) who one day will have to read it. Sadly this is often overlooked – hand written Wills or those from home-made kits are often strewn with errors, and some professional Wills so lengthy and almost Shakespearean in style we feel for the Executors who have to make sense of them! Our Wills are legally valid but written in straightforward plain English. This makes them easy to understand and reassuringly useful when the time sadly comes to use them.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Unmarried partners without a Will may not be recognised as a beneficiary, regardless of the length of the relationship. Unless you enter into a marriage or civil partnership, when you die your surviving partner will not automatically receive any of the assets held in your name.
If you are married or in a civil partnership, your spouse or civil partner is not guaranteed to receive the whole of your estate. Depending on the value of your assets, the Estate may be split between your spouse and children. In some cases, the family home has to be sold to distribute the estate accordingly. Writing a Will can protect against this possible scenario occurring.
- Look after your loved ones – you can decide who inherits what
- Protect your Estate – If you don’t have a Will, the law decides who inherits your Estate.
- Protect children – appoint a guardian to raise your children in the event of your death.
- Protect your pets – appoint a guardian to care for your pets in the event of your death
- Minimise any potential inheritance tax liability – careful planning can reduce or eliminate the need for inheritance tax to be paid